Monday, October 5, 2009

LTC at Fraser's Hill

LTC stands for Leadership Training Camp. It's more like a trip instead of a camp. It's a good thing or bad thing? Well, did my leadership skills improve? I'm not really sure about it. But, one thing I can sure is that I did really have fun at Fraser's Hill.
It's my first time to go to Fraser's Hill. And, it took four and half an hour to reach there from INTI. The journey is kind of tiring. We set down in Pine Resort. Yeah, we stayed in resort instead of tents or camps. That's the feeling of hoildays!
Fraser's Hill is a nice place to travel. The air over there is fresh. And, it's a good chance to walk through the mother nature. It's all green!

The Pine Resort

Everything was going pretty well over there. I can mix well with teammates. And, it's good to know different people from different clubs. I did learn a lot from them. Lots of activities were carried out like amazing race, drama presentation and some games. There's a game thaat I love a lot. Here's how's the game going on. First , everyone must be blindfolded. And, everyone is randomly put in places by the people in charge. And, everyone is required to find back all their teammates in a dark condition. Overall, I like this camp.
From left to right:
Wan Yi, Mark, Mun Hon, Torros, Chew Wei, Shi Yee, me, Kenny, Wei Lun
photographer: Swee Yien ARES from Mangolia
Well, I spent my Mooncake Festival over there without mooncakes and lanterns. It's okay for me though.Looking forward for this festival next year!
The beauty of nature
Hope that there's still chance for me to go to Fraser's Hill again... =)

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