Quite a few of things came to my mind today.
1. The classes I like ended.
Art class - I learned a lot about contextual art. Sandy opened my eyes towards art.

This's Sandy's art work.
French class - Now I know French! Je l'aime bien! Kelsey's a good TA.
English class - I'm going to miss the enthusiasm of sir.

Class photo of English class. Too bad it's blurry.
Econ class - Professor Kelly's really good in explaining the theories.
African class - Boring stories but the professor's good after all.
2. More things to be worried about the future.
1. I got a high score in my French speech.
2. It's my manager's birthday.

I bought this for her! :)
3. My last art project's one of the best.
Something to think about.
1. A girl came to return the extra change I gave after one hour.
2. A guy stopped his scooter to help a handicapped guy to open the door.